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Munch Max


Munch is practically a household brand in India. And due to the immense love it receives, Munch remains an out-and-out massy brand. For Munch, it was always a bit of a challenge to enter the premium category. But, come 2023, there was a golden opportunity at hand. Munch was launching a large, chunky bar. And this product was supposed to enter the premium category & solidify its spot further in the Indian market.


Projects of such strategic importance that have millions of dollars invested need an experienced, expert, & reliable creative team that can deliver the goods beyond the expectations of the brand team. And so, PRAKRIA was just the right agency for this project.

Our Solution

First, we came up with the name: MUNCH MAX. Pithy, to-the-point, high-recall, presents the USP of the product upfront. Basically, perfect!

Next, it was time to render the name into a pack that completely solidifies the MAX identity of the product. We chose the “X” of MUNCH MAX as a visual smashable that would go on to be used across platforms as the defining visual of the brand. Surely, the pack had an undeniable “X-factor” to it, and it resulted in an instant & resounding “YES!” from the brand team, and finally, by the customers.

The name, the pack visual, the “X-factor” all made this brand identity project a definitive success.

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