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Goodyz Box


Perfetti is globally known to have a vast range of mouth-watering, lip-smacking products. It is after all one of the biggest brands in the world. But there was a challenge; an Achilles’ heel that forever irked them. The challenge was this: though they sold their products exceedingly well individually, they could never organize them in a single coherent space, and sell them as a consolidated box.


This was a project that required out-of-the-box, yet extremely strategic thinking. The box was supposed to out-compete old established players in the market, while being relevant throughout the year, as opposed to being just a seasonal property. Where else could Perfetti turn when they needed high-level thinking, an in-depth understanding of branding, and flawless execution delivered in a jiffy? PRAKRIA was there to rescue!

Our Solution

It was a branding project for the ages, and we delved right into it with nothing holding us back. After a thorough competitor analysis, and fruitful brainstorming sessions with our team & the brand managers, we boiled down our thoughts to the concept of a “GOODYZ BOX”.

What is a “GOODYZ BOX?”

Well, imagine you’re a kid, & the moment someone mentions “goodies”, your eyes sparkle, your mouth starts to salivate, and an irresistible urge consumes you. That is exactly what a “GOODYZ BOX” was. It was an assortment of Perfetti products that weren’t specifically made for a festive season; instead, it was an evergreen property that would entice, mesmerize, and with its wide variety, always take you by surprise.

With premium fonts, custom-created to cue the sensibilities of gifting, aesthetic gold finishes & embellishments, we created a perfect gifting box for all seasons. GOODYZ BOX was at just the right spot between sufficiently general & all-purpose, and perfectly close to home with respect to Perfetti’s target audience. It was an instant hit and continues to rule the shelves across markets.

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